Rising Damp Repairs — Why It Is Imperative To Address This Scourge

Your house starts to develop rising damp when moisture from the ground begins to seep through the foundation and the walls of your structure. Therefore, this problem tends to affect residences constructed with porous materials such as bricks, stone and so on. Although most of these structures will be built with a damp-proof course installed at the offset, this barrier can steadily degrade over time and allow for moisture ingress. Moreover, the rate at which rising damp occurs can be accelerated if the structure is exposed to other water sources such as runoff from stormwater or inadequate drainage. When you notice the beginning of rising damp in your home, it is crucial to have it addressed immediately due to the following reasons.

Rising damp can cause irreparable damage

One of the principal reasons why rising damp repairs should not be neglected is that left unabated, the moisture can cause irremediable damage to your structure. When the rising damp is breaching your home, there is an array of soluble salts that are being absorbed into your masonry. Therefore, it would only be a matter of time before your building supplies start to succumb to crumbling, erosion and even concrete cancer. If you have timber construction supplies in your home, such as flooring, siding or even skirting boards, they will also steadily rot and require replacement, too. Rather than risk having to engage in an extensive remodel to restore the integrity of your property, it is critical to address rising damp immediately once you notice it.

Rising damp can become a health concern

Another sinister effect of having rising damp in your home is the potential health hazard that it causes. As the moisture is left to accumulate unabated, it will make your residence a prime breeding ground for mould and mildew. The spores from these fungi can have a devastating effect on the health of you and your loved ones, particularly if you are unaware that you require mould remediation services. Some of the symptoms that you are likely to develop include pain in your muscles, aches in your joints, perpetual fatigue and so on. You should also take note that prolonged exposure to mould can lead to autoimmune diseases as well as neurological problems due to chemical imbalances in the body. You would be best advised to carry out regular inspections of your home to check for both rising damp and signs of mould and have those both abated post haste.
